Weather & Climate Information
Detailed, location-specific, real-time and accurate historical, and forecast weather information can help farmers better understand and track the growth status/stage to make informed decisions. Pest and Disease Control: Certain weather conditions encourage the development and growth of pests and diseases, which can destroy crops.
Climatology and Weather Forecasting is important since it helps determine future climate expectations. Through the use of latitude and longitude of a specific area, one can determine the likelihood of short-rain or long-rain so as to help in decision making.
LAOP (Laikipia Agricultural Advisory Platform) is an integrated online platform that uses geo-data from satellites to generate real-time and location-specific agro- advisories to farmers and other stakeholders.
The system is able to predict precipitation and temperature and plot dynamic charts given GPS coordinates of any location in the country for the next Fourteen and provide weather observations for the past 7 days and 10 days
LAOP is an integrated online platform that uses Geo-data from satellites to generate real-time and location-specific agro-advisories for farmers and other stakeholders. These advisories enable them to make more informed farming decisions. The system is able to predict precipitation and temperature and plot dynamic charts given GPS coordinates of any location in the country for the next 15 days and provide weather observations for the past 7 days and 30 days.
KAOP is an integrated online platform that uses Geo-data from satellites to generate real-time and location-specific agro-advisories for farmers and other stakeholders. These advisories enable them to make more informed farming decisions. The system is able to predict precipitation and temperature and plot dynamic charts given GPS coordinates of any location in the country for the next 15 days and provide weather observations for the past 7 days and 30 days.